Saturday, October 2, 2010

Obesity (An Innocent Killer)

Obesity (An Innocent Killer)

Obesity is the most popular condition in both genders of all ages. Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fats in body. There are different classes of obesity like MILD (20-40% overweight), moderate (41-100% overweight), severe (more than 100% overweight). Severe obesity occurs only in 0.6 % of obese people. In United state the obesity is increasing 33% by last some decades. Overall 31% men & 35% women are obese.
How Obesity develop:
The level of fats in our body control by a system which works like a thermostat. This system has a point around which the level of fats is maintained in our body. When a person persistently intake high caloric content or over eating than this point shifted from its original value to a higher one. The body then recognizes this elevated point as normal and as a result body increase the storage and eventually obesity occurs.
Causes of Obesity:
Obesity is caused by taking high calories than the body requirement. Obesity also caused by various factors such as:
  • Lifestyle factors that include food of high caloric contents, smoking, high alcohol intake (alcohol increases the metabolism of body) high biscuits intake etc.
  • Socioeconomic factors may also influence the obesity; in US women of low socioeconomic status are at high risk of obesity rather than women of high socioeconomic status because these women have not enough time & resources for dieting & exercise.
  • Developmental factors: An increase in size or number of fat cells providing  aid to store more fat in body.
  • Physical factors: lack of physical activity (exercise, walking, cycling etc) is also a major risk factor.
  • Drugs: Steroids, Antipsychotic drugs & some hormones can cause obesity.
  • Psychological stress: promote the development of some eating behavior disorders such as OVER-NIGHT EATING SYNDROME (lack of appetite in morning but overeating at night leads to obesity, insomnia, agitation).
Symptoms & complications:
The fats mostly accumulate in chest area, hips & thigh areas, under chin area & lower abdomen areas. Difficulty in breathing & shortening of breath, low back pain, worsening of arthritis in hips, knees & ankles, more sweating, swelling of feet & ankles are common symptoms found in case of obesity.
Obese people have more chance to become ill. The accumulation of fat in chest & abdomen may associate with coronary artery (arteries which supply blood to heart) disease, hypertension or diabetes. It is unknown that why these complications are developing but loosing weight dramatically reduces the occurrence of all these symptoms.
Certain cancers (in women: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer in men: colon cancer, rectum cancer, prostate cancer) are more common in obese people rather than those who are not.
Consume less caloric food stuff and adopt healthy, physically active life style to maintain your body weight and exercise regularly because when you loose your weight by any method and stop this then obesity re-occur within 3 years so be careful about your healthy life.
Tumescent liposuction also use for weight reductions.
Some drugs (Phentermine, sibutramine, Orlistat) also used for weight reduction.

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