Saturday, September 25, 2010

7 Tips To get Rid Of Pimples

7 Tips To get Rid Of Pimples

Here's a nightmare situation for you. You have a huge social event and when you go to bed the night before all is fine and you are filled with anticipation for the big event. When you wake up the next morning there it is, the thing you dread, a huge red pimple right in the middle of your face or forehead!
The good news is that you can get rid of that pimple safely and quickly and be ready for that special event. Just follow these seven simple tips to get rid of a pimple:
1. Apply an icepack to the pimple every 30-45 minutes to decrease the swelling and redness. Hold the icepack in place for 2-3 minutes each time and keep doing this until you are ready to leave for your event.
2. Use a benzoyl peroxide cream or lotion on the pimple and the area around it. This ingredient is a proven zit killer, but it does have a tendency to dry out the skin excessively. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for everyday use because of this, but occasional emergency use should be fine. There are many over the counter treatments that use benzoyl peroxide as their active ingredient.
3. Resist the urge to poke, squeeze, pick or touch the pimple in any way. There are loads of oils and bacteria on your fingers and adding them to what already in the pimple is not going to help. Additionally, if you squeeze the pimple you are likely to push the liquids and bacteria farther into the pore creating a worse infection, more swelling and increased redness. Even if you do squeeze everything out, this is a surefire way to end up with acne scars.
4. If you notice the pimple coming out the night before your event you can sometimes prevent it from becoming worse by applying a dab of toothpaste to the pimple before bed. This will help reduce the redness and swelling. Other things that can help reduce redness and swelling of the pimple include lemon juice or a wet tea bag.
5. If all else fails you can apply an anti biotic concealer to the pimple before heading out to your special event. Just make sure not to use an oil based concealer which will further clog your pores and make the pimple even worse later.
6. Along those same lines, you should try to wear only make up that is not oil based. Not only do they clog the pores because they have a tendency to stick inside the pore, but they also require you to use harsh cleansers to remove them which can overly dry your skin and lead to more breakouts and pimples. Of course the best prevention is to wear no make up at all.
7. Finally, wash your skin several times daily to remove dirt and oil. Use only gentle cleansers to avoid drying out the skin excessively or use a specialized acne cleanser recommended by your dermatologist. Try not to scrub the skin because you don't want to strip away all the natural oils on your skin.
These 7 tips will yield fast results. Many of you will see a difference in just a day or two. If you continue to have problems with pimples even after using all these methods it might be time to see a dermatologist to get a specialized cleansing treatment or medication made to combat acne. You can also try such simple things as increasing your water consumption and removing oily foods and sweets from your diet. These two changes can often have a dramatic effect on a persons' problem with pimples.

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